Why Lakes?
Freshwater is often overlooked here in New Zealand and lakes even more so. We want to change that. We want everyone to understand and care about these crucial and threatened ecosystems. Lakes across New Zealand are experiencing massive species loss and impact and they NEED people to care and intervene.
How do we help?
We do ecological assessments across the country, we highlight species threatened with extinction, we help our mana whenua, Regional Council and community partners to create lake and catchment management plans. We restore. We hold workshops, online seminars and give presentations to anyone willing to learn about lakes.
What makes us unique?
Our operating model is different to most, We are a bunch of professionals who have banded together to donate our expertise. We are scientists, ecologists, GIS analysts, technical/ scientific divers and much more. We focus on robust data collection and advice. This means that our findings can be used by all industries.

Our latest project
Lake Rotonuiaha is a beautiful but impacted lowland lake in Hawkes Bay.

We did a podcast
Freshwater action interviewed us and we talked about all things freshwater

Get in touch
We would to hear from you! Send us an email with a little bit about yourself and your contact details and we will be in touch

Ko au te roto ko te roto ko au
I am the Lake and the Lake is me