Kākahi Threats

Kākahi (freshwater mussel) also known as Torewai and Kaaeo are NZ’s only freshwater filter. They are a keystone, taonga and indicator species that deserve recognition.

Lake Pupuke

Pupuke moana also known as Roto Pupuke or Lake Pupuke is a deep volcanic lake in the heart of Takapuna, Auckland.

Lake Rototoa

Lake Rototoa is considered the “gem of Auckland”. It is a deep sand dune lake in South Head. Despite having its water quality monitored for some time by the regional council and it all looking fine, beneath the surface paints a different story. Read about it below.

Lake Dynamics (TLI)

Lakes health is often described with terms called TLI (Trophic Level Index) although there are limitations in its use as a indicator for lake health (it only uses water quality rather than ecology) it is important to understand the different states a lakes water quality can have and what some implications are.

Lake Stratification

Lake Stratification is the formation of distinct thermal layers. This concept is important to understand as it helps you understand your lakes health.